Tag Archives: Abdomen

Human Energy Beatdown a/k/a, June 2012


Yes, that’s accurate

This post will be short as I hit a button that magically erased all of my diligent thinking.

No news regarding my latest sonogram, which was last Friday.  Liver, gall bladder, pancreas, as well as kidneys, had all been checked.  It was a harrowing experience as I am extremely ticklish and more terrified of the scanner than I am of a needle.

Am I surprised I haven’t received a call?  Nope.

There is not enough time for all I want to accomplish this summer.  Somehow I’ve deluded myself into thinking I’ll casually do the following: Spanish level 3 twice a week, GED/writing tutoring, ballet (yes, ballet) class once or twice a week, bizarre yoga/fitness classes that I must attend to fulfill my Groupon that expires June 30th, Immunology, GRE’s, Mandarin Chinese (“just a little”), SAT tutoring in Harlem (not going to work since it overlaps with my already rescheduled Spanish classes), and an online copywriting course.

Dahn Yoga.  Dahn I believe means “energy” in Korean, but who really knows.  I wish I had been aware of the wrongful death lawsuit involving a CUNY professor on a training endurance hike for the cult spiritual enlightenment group.  Perhaps I would know that smacking yourself on the kidneys to “wake them up” or smacking yourself on the head to energize your brain was not normal.  Oh, wait, it’s not smacking, it’s tapping.  If it was tapping, why were we told by the instructor that she “couldn’t hear us”?  Might I suggest a more straightforward, honest name for this hour and a half confusing, likely harmful exertion of vital lifeforce: Human Energy Beatdown.  Now the Dahn people aren’t all that bad.  They provided delicious tea after the borderline excruciating sessions ended, and I might actually return to tai chi since I felt it was very peaceful, yet rigorous for a formerly flexible gym-phobe such as myself.  Well, except for the bowing, constant annoying chanting “Ashanamaa” (???!!!) upon exhalation, and the guy who randomly moved and stole my view of the mirror.

Also, I’m not so certain about pursuing medical social work anymore.  I hear too many horror stories, and I think the last one really made me want to throw that idea in the garbage. I have been dealing with some troubling family issues that make me feel rather drained because I’m not able to help – I just want to find an easy solution and be done with it.  Not so with this.  As such, I would make a lousy social worker.

Oh, and how could I forget the other thing on my summer to-do list: writing!  I was also going to take a class on that, but I think I will just wing it.  I wish I knew where to start, though.

I keep going back to tea. It’s so good for you.  There are so many varieties.  It can wake you up or help lull you to bed.  Reduce blood pressure or help sooth joint pain.  Perhaps that’s where I’ll start.  My greatest fear is being guilty of cheap writing, i.e., top 10 lists.  Yes, some are well written.  But they’re so prevalent.  Is writing anything better than nothing?  Anyhow, I strongly believe in the power of tea.  I certainly hope that my father does, too.  Hint hint…